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                                 DOS Unit
                         File Attribute Constants

     These constants are used to test, set, and clear file attribute bits
     in connection with the GetFAttr, SetFAttr, FindFirst, and FindNext

                              ReadOnly    = $01;
                              Hidden      = $02;
                              SysFile     = $04;
                              VolumeID    = $08;
                              Directory   = $10;
                              Archive     = $20;
                              AnyFile     = $3F;

     These constants are additive, for instance;

              FindFirst('*.*', ReadOnly + Hidden, S)

     will find all normal files as well as read-only files and hidden files
     in the current directory.  The AnyFile constant is merely the sum of
     all of the attributes.

See Also: FindFirst FindNext GetFAttr SetFAttr
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